Calendar of Events

Breaker Morant

In South Africa during the Second Boer War Australian Army lieutenants Harry ‚ÄúBreaker‚Äù Morant Peter Handcock and George Witten stand accused of the murders of six Boer prisoners and the assassination of a German missionary. British Commander-in-Chief Lord Kitchener is determined to see the men found guilty, which he can then use as a bargaining […]

Lunch with Bryan Dawe, A Satirist’s Journey

The National Vietnam Veterans Museum is proud to present Lunch with Bryan Dawe, A Satirist‚Äôs Journey, on Friday 5 August 2016 starting at 12 noon. Bryan Dawe is one of Australia‚Äôs finest political satirists. He has enjoyed a long career on radio; television, film and the speakers‚Äô circuit. On television he is best known for […]

1966 – The year that changed the world

1966 was the year that Australia sent a Task Force to Vietnam, the year the first National Servicemen served in the war, and the year of the battle of Long Tan. Australia felt the heat of the Cold War and the throes of a youth revolution, in the year the first baby boomers came of […]

Back to Museum Day

50th Anniversary Battle of Long TanVietnam Veterans and their families are invited to take part in this commemorative day. Formalities in the morning with guest speaker followed by an afternoon of great entertainment.  

1966 – The year that changed the world

1966 was the year that Australia sent a Task Force to Vietnam, the year the first National Servicemen served in the war, and the year of the battle of Long Tan. Australia felt the heat of the Cold War and the throes of a youth revolution, in the year the first baby boomers came of […]

Battlefront Innovations and the Engineer’s War

Join the City of Sydney Historical Association and professional historian Nicole Cama, as she traces the inventive engineering and innovations of World War I. From toy tanks and patriotic badges, to message rockets, battlefront inventions and the Anzac brand, Cama investigates the many designs, trade marks and patents registered during the First World War. The […]

1966 – The year that changed the world

1966 was the year that Australia sent a Task Force to Vietnam, the year the first National Servicemen served in the war, and the year of the battle of Long Tan. Australia felt the heat of the Cold War and the throes of a youth revolution, in the year the first baby boomers came of […]

Trailblazers and Peacekeepers

Australian and New Zealand doctors have administered anaesthesia in every major conflict since the Boer War. These men and women have, and continue to, provide care in often difficult and dangerous circumstances. Join us for a curator-led tour of this exhibition exploring historical accounts of anaesthetists in conflict and first person reflections from contemporary conflicts […]

1966 – The year that changed the world

1966 was the year that Australia sent a Task Force to Vietnam, the year the first National Servicemen served in the war, and the year of the battle of Long Tan. Australia felt the heat of the Cold War and the throes of a youth revolution, in the year the first baby boomers came of […]

Spirit of Anzac Centenary Experience

The Australian Government and the Australian War Memorial, supported by the Commonwealth Bank and Telstra are proud to be bringing the Spirit of Anzac Centenary Experience to communities across Australia. The Spirit of Anzac Centenary Experience is a travelling exhibition that tells the story of Australia‚Äôs involvement in the First World War, and the ensuing […]

First drafts of History: Rediscovering Victoria’s war correspondents

From the Boer War to Vietnam and beyond, Australians have long relied on war correspondents to bring home reports from the front lines of conflict.¬†Rediscover Victoria‚Äôs war correspondents including Alan Moorehead at a presentation by historians Dr Fay Anderson and Garrie Hutchinson Australia has an impressive and enduring tradition of war journalism, correspondents cinematographers, artists […]

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