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The Battle of Trafalgar (21st Oct.1805)
January 1, 1970 @ 10:00 am
The Battle of Trafalgar (21st Oct.1805) was the most decisive British Naval Victory of the Napoleonic  wars.
Twenty seven R N Ships of the line, lead by Vice-Admiral of the White Viscount Horatio Nelson KB in HMS VICTORY, defeated 33 French/Spanish Ships of the line off the south west coast of Spain, just west of Cape Trafalgar. The Franco-Spanish fleet lost 22 ships without a single British ship being lost.
Having visited HMS VICTORY seven times over the past 31 years, I never cease to be fascinated by this living monument to British sea-power. We have obtained a DVD from the ‘National Museum of the Royal Navy’¬† entitled ‘A walk-through tour of HMS VICTORY’ which we would like to share with you on October 22nd.
Also at our meeting we have our AGM and ‘Show and Tell’. The ‘Show and Tell’ segment¬† gives you 5 minutes or so to show us one of your Naval treasures and tell your story to like-minded enthusiasts of all things ‘Naval’. This can be a rather humorous finale to our AGM meeting each year, you can imagine some of the comments from the floor!
Join us at the Melbourne Naval Centre, October 22nd 2010.Building is open from approximately 1830 to give you time in the library, and our meeting starts at 1930.